Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Can A Dentist Do With A Broken Front Tooth

literature class, and against all odds, the teacher took us to the lawn to compose haikus as we would announce in days (one of those things you want but you know is very remote, and that the teachers just say to say but never do ... xD).

It was most bizarre xDDDD before going, we were translating haiku class into small groups (which some days we do) and our group is a very famous hit on a frog jumping in an old pond etc ... and how he had already translated into some other group asked us to be more original. We start with the joke and end up making a very similar "The frog jumped in the old pond dipping, but the best are those that fell by the way xDDD thinking out alternative versions amphibious frog, toad (I told her that I read a lot smaller than mortadelo and Philemon xDD) and up to version Ranica skill, roll "A Ranica in viejuno pond, dipped himself as" and I thought it was win, to Muchachada Nui. Then we spent some time in a farmhand game thinking haiku and then saying the background with the famous "Reber" ringing "Matsuo Basho, Matsuo Basho" (the name of the author of the poem).
If good and should not be counted or bloody grace but then I was dying of laughter xDDDD

Then the teacher, along with monitors Japs loaded with bags, we took the grass, paper distributed and pulled the sake OO (yep you read But sake!) that is perfect for inspiration! fundamental! Sake also can not go alone of course, need snacks to accompany ^. ~ so it was roll "drinking sake and eating snacks while writing Japanese haiku on the lawn in front of the faculty" , sick! xDD was great. Then among the best we played the final prize to "jankenpon" (or piedrapapeltijeras xDD) which was a bottle and two glasses for serving sake. Which incidentally won one subject had a very "borrachil" xDDD
Overall, my haiku was: Fall leaves / in the garden of my house / a sip of tea ^ __ ^ hehe

After consideration of kanji had xDD and I had me taken my sake and Yumi did not want it ... no luck because he had eaten the appetizers x because otherwise go ...^^ UUUU joke later.

To end the day, the story he told us was probably the last class and ended the matter so well, fast and just barely. But the laughing hartón that we stick to the story King of Queen of Sheba salomóny on the whereabouts of the ark of the covenant was monumental. In summary, it appears that the ark of the covenant is not lost as everyone thinks, thanks to Mr. Spielberg that he has no idea of history pajolera (the teacher said so xD), but it is in Ethiopia to an island in the middle of a lake, because King Solomon gave it to the Queen of Sheba, reason: I wanted tir ** sela so clear (pa shame the Jews who do not tell xD)
(which they take the men to jump to a woman! history is full of examples embarrassing) Afternoon

laughter and madness (aix led many good times in a short temporda ... I feel that karma will bring misfortune soon UU)


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