Saturday, June 26, 2010

Etf Dividend Reinvestment

BAP RFID tags or Battery-Assisted Passive RFID Reader

Traditional RFID tags can be read from distances up to 10 meters. BAP the same label can be read from distances of 40-50 meters. The

Etiquetas RFID con BAP o Battery-Assisted Passive

traditional passive RFID tags are based on obtaining energy emitted by the reader's signal to wake the chip and provide the retro-reflection (backscatter) necessary for identification. The battery-assisted RFID tags for passive RFID technology, or "BAP" as often referred to in the industry, contains its own power supply built into the label. The aim is to provide long-range readings with high performance for applications or RFID for industries involving goods, metals, chemicals, paper, people tracking, control of racing, and the chain of frivolous or among many other applications.

Within each BAP RFID tag battery 1.5 volt, very thin, with an estimated duration of 2 ½ years at room temperature, even reading the RFID tag 10,000 times per day. What is important to note is that when the battery finally dies, you can still read the label, but only within a distance of up to 3-4 meters.

BAP RFID labels to return about 90% of the energy they receive, while the traditional passive RFID tags typically return 10-15% of the signal they receive. This means that in the real world, or in daily work, higher rates are obtained reliability and can be read from further away and, more importantly, can be read even in difficult environments, such as those containing liquids and metals.

is also very important not to confuse with BAP RFID labels to active tags. Active tags are transmitting at specified intervals while the BAP RFID tags do not emit in itself, the battery used to improve signal strength when responding to a reader. Test


performed a comparative test with BAP RFID labels with four of the used in the market, as provided by UPM, Alien, and Avery RSI among others, all working under the regulations ISO 18000-6C passive to understand how far the battery make a difference.

With our handheld RFID reader, the evidence of the RFID tag with BAP reached up to 15 feet away on board while on metal was read up to 13.5 meters. The battery also helped overcome the challenges of reading by having to work with palettes of liquids and metals through RFID portals.

With our RFID reader fixed tests BAP RFID tag reading distances reached up to 47.1 meters on cartóny of 45.9 meters on metal, more than 5 times the distance of a Gen 2 passive RFID label traditional.

Regarding the price, it can be about € 1 if you require certain amounts. Therefore, these RFID tags can be profitable in certain critical applications.


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