Monday, March 30, 2009

Biggest Great White On Camera

That's the hole to be doing in my book "la Caixa" and that each expenditure is becoming darker and great, really expected me to last at least until the summer when you could go to trebajar, but not me ^ ^ U the truth is that I start to worry because if I look at all expenses I come over is the wrong thing ...
few months ago also won the book of "saving for the future" I did as a child, where he saved many years' pay and that money went to that now use ... so I have no more than nooks where you save money ... and my prediction is, with the remainder of the year I'm going to stay broke ... sisisi
First because we are in crisis and I can not save the pay because I have to pay me almost everything other than rent the floor with them (ie my parents give me money ^ ^ U) and second, I had to go to work in a factory (one that makes coffee, chocolate and stuff xD i starts with ends with TLE NES) this summer and won everything possible without to spend the whole summer, but my father was when he learned of the work seems not to recall that ETT was the one who hired the staff of the company and also has no special interest in returning to learn (with the ETT that have closed in OO Girona think should be on some people ...) and if I want to touch me "route of the ETT" this Easter, not only for Girona, but also the surrounding . What will I say? because the thing is very wrong of course ... but why I have to go find a job for summer in April ... xD
The dress is from Germany xD so hopefully I midweek ... albeit with the order for shoes I will not have much luck, I think .... take 12 days minimum distress begins!! ¿¿¿¿¿ Will before 18 April, or I'll have to make do as ????? Point

final between stress to endure every day with the vet (because you never know who is going to leave) and the accumulated tension in my house because my dog (which destroys the order almost obsessive where is my mother's house) but I think if the dog is not the tension in my house would estndo there for one reason or another .... one day I will give some !
And Easter is not something to look forward to have a party ... rather afraid I go crazy being in girona many days as things stand now
Ahh States and the best! I have 3 exams this week in a row and have not studied anything! lalalalaa best I take a joke because ... UU


** PS: I have been very late and I can not put UU Korean lesson sorry Hachi


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