The end of an era (only a Few Words ...)
Only a quick post before go to the practices at the clinic.
I just learned something that saddens me ... apparently it is something definite that Sants Badrena dojo (the dojo my kenjutsu school I go though I have pretty free to go due to prá ; Internships) will close due to little support there is in these times. There have been only 6 people and not give them enough money to rent a big place 3 times per week. I feel terrible because I have not been done since before the February tests and today there is a rally to leave the dojo, school staff called by my sensei and I hope to go even a little late .
It's very sad, I have spent many good times there, and in April when I can resume my lessons if I kenjutsu not be possible as it would have to go to the dojo Cornellá far I have left ... That
U_______U penalty not know what else to say ...
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