Bufff ... it is proven that only come to xD LJ to complain that he is going to do ... UU
take a week of frustration because they know how but I have not organized anything well and I've got a lot of things waiting for that meeting time ^ ^ U well never find time to connect (only connection I have when I'm at uni ... and when is going to be in class ... xD) essential thing these days I'm looking desperately EGL dress to wear at the wedding of my friends (date approaches dangerously ...)>. \u0026lt;
I have to decide and buy a dress already! But I'm making the worst decisions !!!!!! aaaargh
(which also cost me decide between Kohaku or Kouryuu for cosplay Clamp o ~ or even I have doubts ... T ^ T)
At least I know they probably will finish by asking for in imitation Fanplusfriends ... are but my economy allows for more ^ ^ U
But I doubt the color, model, etc ... a full dress or a jumper skirt + blouse ?.... brown, purple or green? @ __ @ I have going mental cocoa. Oscar asked for help to the poor with all good will I was commenting on things, but I did not decide at all ^ ^ UUU yes, says the lavender-lilac color is too light and not look good with my skin color ... Oo
Here I put some models that make me doubt ...
(that I love behind, but the green does not kill me I find adorable *-*)
States that difficult choice ... what worries me most is that although it did not look good be the size or not I look good with it, because then it's too late !!!!! : S scares me ... (need help!>. \u0026lt;A expert on issues !!!... ehem lolitas Lid? T ^ T onegai ...)
Ains other input is overloaded and the late night!! for a change! morning I get up at 6.30 xDDDD
† Bloody Kisses †
안녕 anyæng -> bye (in Korean, and good morning is 안녕 하세요 anyæng seems Hasey xD) -> Bonus track for Hachi ^.
^ PD: desaparecidaaaaa of dollars of internessss ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪!! T ^ T
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