Asin is a life of disorder and chaos
Yeah yeah, "ferret" instead of "dogs" xDD why? good because it best describes my sleeping routine ... every hour possible, preferably in the morning and waking only to eat and go frantically back and forth without stopping and get things done faster and in the middle chaos and disorder (let the little free time or I lose miserably because I focus or because I get to do the lazy ...). Is that ferrets are so you are going to do every day ^ ^ UU Zuri use whatever I look like (my ferret plated layer) sleeps a lot like cats almost xD but when you wake up is terrible! very loving yes, but dirty and mess everywhere xD
I have had the least productive weekend in a long time (well the past as well but I was sick and such ...)
I decided to change my whole Cell i does not work?? ein? and that?? all brand new nokia N81 ???!!!! because I always pass me these things? (Good as oscar which he said is normal and what to buy things that do not work xDD) are the "couple jinx" yes yes
Then I happened on Sunday "huronenado" at home (bed-sofa-eating disorder xorradas by interne-...) and half from depression mix of existential crisis and self-pity ... ask for the total Nanai dress (at the end I decide to turquoise green in color does that xD). Until it was late at night I started to make a purchase fictitious horrors stresses me!
be fine the size you ask?? I have to go big or fast dieting and spend the entire wedding without breathing? Oo
With approx 95-75-100 I have (which were of my 93-63-90? Youth ains T ^ T I'll look a Lolita-jug) ... I guess the standard size is 12, although USA O___O
nose .. I came to ask for a sort of frilly white for the Oscar lead with the black shirt and gray chalequillo rays (and not go so dark ...) would throw to me by the head?? xD is that if it is very normal ... and I ... buhh highlighting
And I have to buy shoes and accessories on ebay I think ... scares me ¬ ¬ UUU on ebay I have never asked and now and all run well ...
Aiaiaiai I'll be late to practice in the clinic !!!!!!! T___T niiiiif
PD: fast the lesson for Korean to Miss Hachi ^. ^ today -> the numbers (read Korean)!
1 = 하나 hana, dul 2 = 둘 , 3 = 셋 seng, 4 = 넷 neng, 5 = 다섯 da Saed, 6 = æ 여섯 and s d æ , 7 = il gop 일곱 , 8 = 여덟 and æ æ d l, 9 = 아홉 to hop , 10 = Yael
열 I recently learned them in the next post xD put China's second reading (which is easier)
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