Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Playing With The Vigana
For anything and hung up the beginning of the story of CLAWS the third story I have in mind. Luckily, the title is the final and I have written far more than other stories xD and that it is the latest ...
You can read the prelude here.
PD: I will be alone at home one week from day 17, I can not move to Girona as I have to take care of animals and house xDDD but if someone wants to come is a sofa bed that is not at all bad ...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Blood Sugar Counts Diabetes
Why ????????? Why ????????????
who sent me to my crisis at this point in several stories resiniles and get a look at the sites of houses bjd? eh??
Nothing ... I was passing through BC quietly thinking ... nah! they will have there that I like?? and I find this pretty ¬ ¬ it's over and it is fairly limited ... ù.ú
.... I just missing it going! that with the cost that I have lately and planning to go to Japan in the near future I can not afford ... why did these people will read your mind? go and make a mold that would be perfect for a character that I have the third story I write, Akamai, (yes. .. two did not have enough non ¬ ¬ UU) but put it here with a sad face would have to imagine me with a face bad milk ... but another problem is that the body would be perfect for Cossette Cossette and for Akamai ... poop Ù____Ú pfpfpfppfpf
Well Leeke ongoing trauma that is taking heads like me , an then wham! sold out ... like Rihael UUUUUU
While my children are still in the closet without leaving hardly ever ... and I feel stupid because I never know what to buy according to their character because the story progresses and her personality is me tight. I have a big problem with "Rêves et cauchemares" real ... and while I and progressing by leaps and bounds with CLAWS (the 3rd in discord xD). I think the problem is in the bottom of the story, which constuí slowly around the character of Damien I invented to discover the mold Dolkot Kiss I wanted nothing more to see. So having no contact with my kids about the story fades away and loses its essence, while the others are gaining strength. I think maybe I should make a serious approach and connect all to make it all the more solid. The truth would not be too difficult. Say
the Fates and the Muses did not know where to place and are in CLAWS, a character in X-world (still to be determined) could be in too and say CLAWS Elodie is a slightly above all the three worlds ... well xD
mental chaos is huge and I need to reconnect with my children ... they also have been so unsociable as its owner ... enfin I love them and that's enough
xDDDD PD: I'm hanging up the writings of Claws on the other LJ ... not whether it will be rolling stories ... and more staff
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How Do I Get My Dog To Quit Peeing In His Bed
Well ... it's summer ... I am a little bored between message and message and I will try make playlists, something that is not because I find it very much ... will be at the pile of music I like it when I get to decide for a few songs horrors and cost me my musical tastes are swinging Segou n my mood and time of year ...
And now thanks to the super Spotify music that I have to bore ... pffff xDDD (I'm here doing published for free noooooo)
Well I go with my playlist of these times:
and electronics to electronics, in a compilation where Whitey had a song, Spotify led me to discover a beautiful song called The French Ritournelle Sebastien Tellier, who despite his paint something dandruff and eighties retro style (which has its something) makes some songs that engage, even sent it to Eurovision in the same year that Chikilicuatre ^ ^ U the truth I knew that and of course ... xD I did not think that music will never look at (it had mounted on a golf cart UUUUUUU ^ ^) Here
His other song
And a Japanese theme that is not my style but I hit someone and went out in the end credits of Battle Royale, Dragon Ash is (for the Benefit of Mr.Kite, There Will Be a show tonight on trampoline ... I already know what I mean xD)
I also bought the CD for me if I bought a test, This time it was the Day & Age The Killers and I was hooked on Human Spaceman and brutal ... xDDDDD have a touch of Muse but without them ... and I only knew the song before Bones and I did not like. In moments
"destroyer" comes to listen to Mr. Manson, I love Wormboy but no video that vamosh to Asher, I leave this rancid to at least hear the song.
Other discs I listen for exams are those of my dear Bowie (aix how much love I have for this man! Will make a playlist just for xDDD) either as Ziggy or more mature in this action for Italian TV I love (and song I have engaged in a long time).
A personal frustration ... Depeche Mode , because surely I can not go to see them TT aix Bilbao ... the video borders on cutrez but these people are so good xDD
As topical gave me back to listening to Jackson 5 , the truth is that I love Michael was a little genius in music and dance ... which spoiled his childhood ... UUUU
To finish I dedicate this to Tenjo me that listening to a lot these days
xDD Hmmm this has gone too long .... I'll have to ask radical change of format for my next playlists xDDD
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Spinbrush Battery Compartment
On Monday I finished the last exam this semester ... no suspense either
xDDD well I can only hope that I offset Duck Repro (fingers crossed as possible!) That miedin!! I do not want any veterinary examination anymore !!!!!!!!!
Well ... nothing touches the route now looking for gigs in Barcelona in October or so ... and also essential that a house xDD often problem ... to see how long it takes to find something .. . I like him ^ ^ UU until now have always lived with friends ... with how bad it gives me to meet new people ... but this year has changed me a bit antisocial always lurking ... I wish luck
myself ... it never fails ... but will I be capable enough? who knows ...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Who Is More Likely To Have Hemophilia
Well today I made the last test Korean PChE 2 ... mmmm .... I have the image of Death the Kid deliberately xDDDDD (perfectionist mode on ... sometimes I can not stand my own mediocrity )
can say that this semester, the Korean left me with a little cross ... the level rises and the teacher did not help that we can take in anything ... more While grammar is merely to give non-stop and consider any comment or word it once as part of the vocabulary that you have to know as if we were to be recorded immediately as there ¬ ¬ UUU!
Also this semester I could not attend the normal schedule so I had only one class hour and a half of Korea a week ... can not expect this at the same level as the rest of the group we UUUUUU ^ ^ I will not do is spend zillion hours díaal Korean, when I have other subjects, I was in practice until c. .. and with the Japanese that if I do a little each day . Sure, you can expect two different languages as their mother tongue maso carried about the same level and have begun the same year (which technically is wrong .... see .. . I take the Japanese nursing as they say for years ... at least in essence xDD). Nothing
expected ... I have good level of Japanese (or so I think because they were not even a year xD) but you can not say the same for Korean. According to the teacher ... gave me a "you do not have much level of Korean ... spelling mistakes are fatal ... and writing is not very well" ... well, she not that speak a Castilian or a Catalan perfect but good ^ ^ UU might have noticed that in part it was normal for this semester my level come down ... so we're going to do ...
That yes when I asked if I would ask exchange next year, and I've released a "s.. Yeahhhh ..." should have noticed something because I was released at once a " to japan I guess, "and I ..."^^ UUU okay?" and then say "if you can not get enough level of Korean" themselves for real? xD Congratulations! good for nothing, I was told that I can take chorea 2nd option ... but go to a country because you can not go to who wanted it sounds a bit ... wrong? enfin ...
now studying for the exam on Monday ... History of Japan ... and on Sunday I will not be able to vote because I will be in Sabadell be worth studying as ... ... as I said yesterday to see if the euphoria of the moment forget us ... xDDDD
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Heater Sinus Infection
Yes! An examination less!
I've done the test of Japanese literature ... was one of those taking out a 10 ¬ ¬ UU hand roll test roll, and some development could choose the time we would like of the literature while not that correspondíaa our written work.
So far nothing new, we knew we would be so, since he had started the course ...
But the last day of class, the teacher told us that the time we would play development would be chosen by lot by what, but sounded a red herring tactics of the profession (for people do not consider only one time and already) and it was clear that we would choose to end ... I am so Cazurra come estudiármelo everything on here ...
Of course, I knew all the times I've chosen ... I knew better but good ...¬¬ States could have studied this and have only 1 October insured ... enfin ...
Now I'm trapped here in the library, I have to write well and brood presentation tomorrow ¬ ¬ Coreno memory I have to know me ... or to have a second contest in oratory UUU this time ^ ^ UUU
In summary, vomited on the screen today was a prelude of what will be on Monday, megavomitada throughout Japanese history until the eighteenth century and nineteenth, noting that the first part to the XIIth-XIIIth us ... the rest was super-clean and in a hurry .... and lot of anecdotes about other countries in the middle UUU nuse ...^^ mmmm just in case my best vote teacher on Sunday and has more points MEP leave next year and the alegríaa see if it provides an approved general ... hopefully ... I lose nothing by dreaming
Eye! study that will study alike!! Tomorrow
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tattoos In Female Genital Area
exams officially start this year ... or white week or anything ... hit me literature as the only thing left for wing vet! White played it in weeks! here studying the Genji Monogatari, the Man'yōshū, the haiku ... with joy! ¬ ¬ UU
Because this time is that I always feel the urge to kill someone? I say that is justified xDDDD
Nose ... this semester in particular, is becoming more bizarre with each passing week is not that I have provided student motivation I need to go ... but the only test that really worries me is the last on Monday 15 June, the only thing left of veterinary medicine (toxicology that is not ; bad but I have mania at the rate V / F vamosh him to ax) Other insurance
do not stop, I'm just concerned about taking good note to give me a better chance of getting caught to go Japan the 2011-2012 academic year ... though I have hairy because as I made the subjects of 3 of East Asia studies through elective credits, Now I'll have to register for 3 º when in fact be doing a 4 º ... damn funny ... the possibilities of going to Japan are tiny and ... so bring me good grades not care a bit now ...
This course was a bit to enjoy a quiet life after many years of prison-veterinary student and this is over ... now the prison called "trabajoprimerizodeveterinariocobrandounacutrezycurrandomashorasquenadie" knocks at the door .. . as I say, I love you very far! I want to finish studies of East Asia!
My character has been forged with complacency in recent years seems to start to emerge at the slightest difficulty ...
"Living in an apartment Vilablareix official protection (my hometown) or in a rented apartment in Girona, a partner (because surely he would not win enough to live alone, because touch) or in my parents' house over a long period (in case you did not win or to live away from home) "+" work as many hours (very little) that I would be almost time for social life (let alone is that social life is terribly interesting Girona) " = Probable future if I let myself go and I make no further effort.
The truth: it sounds idyllic.
Friday, May 29, 2009
How Long For Ativan To Get Out Urine
Mmmmm .... see mine and is to be jinxed for nothing ....
week begin losing the ball of the piercing, all week with only the inner suffering if swallowed me sleep until Thursday
U_U I could not go to buy a new one ... this time a ring ... and Ariadna said "uix closure system seems a little weak ... I think not going to last or two days ... well I do not want to be a bird of ill omen ^ ^ UU"
Then look at your where to cleaning my room today I found the above ¬ ¬ UU ball just spent the day after the 15 € cost wing ring (which was good because he wanted time ; one ...)
But the thing does not end there, which happens today, I was so calm watching a movie and eating popcorn at home of Oscar and I noticed that the ring is weird ... bingo ! I've dropped the part off to put it .... great to find it .... then ... nothing .... nothing is greater than a ball, but to know ... only hope not telling me I swallowed ... we do not think
¬¬##### I spent an hour without piercing and to get home and spare myself the pain I've killed a minimum na ¬ ¬ that closes the hole to me ... (I know someone who would be happy if they closed forever ... but we I'm not going to let the moment xD)
Now if you are € 15 thrown away because if ... at least I found another ball already difficult, but this gives me my ... no ... you should try to put it on and close a just over the rim once to see if I would Like ...
And that completes a single day that I thought would be dinner with my friends from girona to later find out they had changed their plans for the "economic margin" that they intended to a restaurant .... thinking that one day I could go with them and they wanted to go to a site within my financial possibilities ... for luck than anything ... once had dinner at my house (rare). I was somewhat touched ...
This is "the attack of karma" I am accumulating both negative karma lately that I have to go somewhere ...
Buhh ... Yesterday
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What Can A Dentist Do With A Broken Front Tooth
literature class, and against all odds, the teacher took us to the lawn to compose haikus as we would announce in days (one of those things you want but you know is very remote, and that the teachers just say to say but never do ... xD).
It was most bizarre xDDDD before going, we were translating haiku class into small groups (which some days we do) and our group is a very famous hit on a frog jumping in an old pond etc ... and how he had already translated into some other group asked us to be more original. We start with the joke and end up making a very similar "The frog jumped in the old pond dipping, but the best are those that fell by the way xDDD thinking out alternative versions amphibious frog, toad (I told her that I read a lot smaller than mortadelo and Philemon xDD) and up to version Ranica skill, roll "A Ranica in viejuno pond, dipped himself as" and I thought it was win, to Muchachada Nui. Then we spent some time in a farmhand game thinking haiku and then saying the background with the famous "Reber" ringing "Matsuo Basho, Matsuo Basho" (the name of the author of the poem).
If good and should not be counted or bloody grace but then I was dying of laughter xDDDD
Then the teacher, along with monitors Japs loaded with bags, we took the grass, paper distributed and pulled the sake OO (yep you read But sake!) that is perfect for inspiration! fundamental! Sake also can not go alone of course, need snacks to accompany ^. ~ so it was roll "drinking sake and eating snacks while writing Japanese haiku on the lawn in front of the faculty" , sick! xDD was great. Then among the best we played the final prize to "jankenpon" (or piedrapapeltijeras xDD) which was a bottle and two glasses for serving sake. Which incidentally won one subject had a very "borrachil" xDDD
Overall, my haiku was: Fall leaves / in the garden of my house / a sip of tea ^ __ ^ hehe
After consideration of kanji had xDD and I had me taken my sake and Yumi did not want it ... no luck because he had eaten the appetizers x because otherwise go ...^^ UUUU joke later.
To end the day, the story he told us was probably the last class and ended the matter so well, fast and just barely. But the laughing hartón that we stick to the story King of Queen of Sheba salomóny on the whereabouts of the ark of the covenant was monumental. In summary, it appears that the ark of the covenant is not lost as everyone thinks, thanks to Mr. Spielberg that he has no idea of history pajolera (the teacher said so xD), but it is in Ethiopia to an island in the middle of a lake, because King Solomon gave it to the Queen of Sheba, reason: I wanted tir ** sela so clear (pa shame the Jews who do not tell xD)
(which they take the men to jump to a woman! history is full of examples embarrassing) Afternoon
laughter and madness (aix led many good times in a short temporda ... I feel that karma will bring misfortune soon UU)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My Son's Got Chicken Pox
This year the economy did not smile so I took a few months a bit out of BJD scene (in addition to join one of those crises that give me my family sometimes incomplete, with a history chunga) and well maybe not had a need to get stuck in it basically the frustration is higher when I see patterns that I like, etc ... stuff xD and good because I think if I've been with the family in shambles from years ago I will not hurry now that I have no money: þ
After explaining jets turn ... for nothing that today I went to look at houses BJD sites for quite some time and I already have returned to corrode some other molds in addition to discovering that I'd like ... so I'll try to order a mental mess muñequil me an entry in LJ to see if I force myself to clarify some few xD (yes plural asynchronous)
Basically I have two types of problems: the mold that I fell in love without having character to them ^ ^ U and the characters that there is no way to decide what looks good to them xD mold
With the first problem I have a few call them "random" xD, as Michael and Anne Leeke, or have new discovered today Piposdoll Alice, the Souldoll Liddell or the incredible Doll Dahlia's Lusion (I had a dream that a doll was identical to it Oo) is more but I have a list somewhere and I can not remember xDD
With the second problem are some of my most important characters, how the If Rein or Zury. Let's see ... I have only Rein I do not want a very long time ^ ^ U. Well for him I've had several molds in mind, I have also list somewhere xDD but the ones I convinced two, the SA Bernard (if Dollshe him out someday new ¬ ¬ UU horribilis although that body is not me ...) and the centaur in his human form Souldoll WAS. Although the two have hit for the role ... but softer traits Bernard male is what I wanted but sometimes it is too expensive for good, and as for Chiron because ... I've seen pictures home and depends on make it see a too harsh or mocking expression (and that the body is that part below the chest that makes me weird going xDD). Other candidates had been some Dollmore Model doll or maybe a mecha angel ... (but the MA would be more appropriate for other kinds of characters ... enfin).
Well ... are some positive and 2 rabbits, father and son, who will be a Curo and Piposdoll Rooney respectively.
in the air are the Fates (some will crobidoll) that the biggest problem is that they have different heights, but not too different. Like the muses (one I think that could be the Star of Souldoll) that I could serve to place random female molds xD
But these characters do not come out until much later
xDDD no hurry and will
crappy thing if I decide to materialize some character X-world, could be very difficult but there are increasingly more realistic molds and I think that could bring them to opt for very realistic and serious mold unlike those of Rê ; see cauchemars et.
Nose ... I have to start making schemes or something xD
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Vertical Blinds Curled
I'm a little tired lately to the dichotomies of life ... fed up with having to decide things that would harm one or other party (whether things, events, people ...)
Although this does not matter sick, that alone will not disappear, in life you just have to decide a million times and I'm an indecisive person and it's hard ... it's something I have to accept that does not mean that you can assimilate just like that ;, or not m repatee. Worse
always somewhat proportional, the most glaring is the more difficult to decide ... it's hard to decide which costs us, whether we know that no, not to give up things to know, or fear of screwing up, as happens to me.
The week started badly, I just hope it does not end worse. The news of the death of someone they know, even if not in excess always makes you raise many things. And I think that instead of making you see that life is unpredictable and very short and we must make the most, it was like a shock that I've been thinking "life does your course, you have to take everything ... and I can I do? I think part of my life wasted "and I think that encourages the opposite block me has made me even more.
On Thursday I had a great time, dinner at the Chinese was well ^___^ empanatillas have to go all! party and then ended up "doomed" I feel old when I go out all night xDDDD but I ended up with a "start the month of March in danger zone!" alaaaaaaa well well well ... Yesterday
finally got to see The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D! TT is great to see one of my movies in the top 10 favorite movies! and also in 3D, at first it seems a little weird but then you look as if the scenes have depth and instead of looking at a screen you looked on stage ^ a theater. ^ I really liked.
But today ... just wanted to enjoy a Saturday afternoon, take a good day, but ultimately decide not know I have stayed at home doing nothing, so angry with myself that I can not do the task or the uni.
But I'm so, when I have two options to do something while I can not decirdirme fast and I have scratched because I like to do both but I can not ... that's life I have to assume once and for all.
PS: To top it off my parents reminded me kindly next year no more intend to finance my stay in barcelona so either find a part-time job that allows me to stay and to continue their studies or work full time and I can not go east asia studies, or me girona stay at work and unable to look clear.
Life is wonderful. We have to live to the fullest.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
How To Pay A Ticket In Ohio
Well ... I just deleted a kilometric post and ... f *** do I have recuperdo LJ post blank so I do ...¬¬### new but much shorter than are the many to vary UUUUUUUU
Gone are the days Speech Contest was a very special day, I met very interesting and nice people in general was a great experience, one of those days when you give thanks to what is to be able to live them and be doing something that makes you feel so good.
Although nerves are treacherous, only with experience SUPOS I'm already satisfied. I was very grateful for those who welcomed me even though I do not think I did well ^ ^ U and my parents had a good time (which worried me), there was a raffle with products from sponsors, it was fun xD (my mother touched a mouse pad that is not bad xD)
Well ... add another chapter to the "particular drama (Lalalalalaaa Ichan is the crazy)
Today I was unable to see" Nightmare Before Christmas 3D and next week will probably not ... it was my fault because of my selfishness growing these days that I get to download on my poor boyfriend who does not know how to hold me ... but he had excited all day and the final disappointment is stronger than the sense comúny ego UUUUUUU attacks twice ... I feel terrible but I feel like to apologize ... and so was not me out yesterday and it was a very special day for me ... although I'm justifying, selfishness reoccurs U.S. presence
Finally, I had a great St.Jordi was a special day, I came really wanted to write Masy deepen my stories (which always comes with the blanket well ... I'm done ...). And the departure of the clinic was very good, relaxed atmosphere, a snack together and the vet gave me a rose OO had one for all, but I was not expecting a detail like that from you (so so I put a pink St.Jordi no no xD fulfilled). By the way, Oscar gave me the book which is based the movie "Let me" that right! terror (there is more than the movie), vampires, love ... sure I'll love ^. ^
** PS: as this post is clear and gives me something ¬ ¬ ; #
Friday, April 17, 2009
Does James Blunt Kill Himself
volvíaa Girona Today when the bus, instead of watching anime as always, needed to write something. The text I have written what I uploaded on my children kuraidolls LJ to see what you think.
Today is one of those days when I am able to do anything worthwhile, I have not finished the daily session devoted to studying the text of the speech (a yes! That caught me by true ^ ^ U), I start and I can only think that I will not be able to learn everything by heart, or do not know what answer I ask (or worse, leave me any barbarity).
depres Days (or depres times because I think this goes for long ...), usually good for my creativity, much better than the days I'm bouncing with joy, so I could say that if suffering = imagination + creativity U ^ ^ why? U.S. masochist I must like me that suffer as well I remember my mother from time to time ¬ ¬ U bit like giving me the reason ...
Tomorrow cries alegríay wedding ... many faces that will look at me and criticize me mercilessly if I survive this I can endure any humiliation xD I do not know if it will bear , At least the clothes and shoes all arrived on time (jijijiji I have an excuse to be with Hachi: I have your shoes muahaaa þ!) something that I get it now ^ ^ U is the style and finish, fingers crossed.
regard to the wedding I feel weird ... I see these things so far, I feel very young aúny think that the girl he married almost a year younger than me ... to me would fear ~. ~ How to ...
Everyone calls me photos so tomorrow I'll take the camera and go xD selfish in that evil plan to go to a wedding and wanting to take pictures of yourself! (Increasing selfishness! Lately I think I'm selfish ... I feel bad ...)
** PS: By the way, I come from film and without warning, because this week they released a movie that I missed in Sitges 2008, I heard nothing else come and take a look at the billboard and by accident (he was lucky lol) called "Let the right on in "or" Let me ", was an award at Sitges, and I think that was what was special mention of the public (which we liked more xD). It's a Swedish film, is very well done, and personally I liked history, we have put a 8.2 on IMDb is not bad. Recommended for fans of stories with blood, some gore, vampires and childhood innocence. For my taste, is very good ^. ^
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Where Does The Word Atlas Come From
finally completed starts this crazy week I've been ...
Testing and slaughtering everywhere I impose myself, ale as if it had nothing to do xDD
sisisi, at least I called the teacher of Korean saying that better come too late and we left the class for review and after Easter. Boats have given joy in pequeñoy only space I have in my tiny room floor Sabadell. But ... and I went to bed at studying and this morning so was not a person or anything UUUUUUUU enfin ... something less
What worries me now is the Japanese speech contest in Barcelona which I introduce (yeah. .. I work out of his ears but look I'm that masochist), I have written in Castilian and I Kouki passed a Japanese student to help me to translate ... I have written have bilingual and recorded on a CD or cassette for Monday, 6 which I take to the consulate ... lalalala nuse or whether I'll have time then there is a preseleccióny States nuse or if I will pass ... because the writing itself is not very ... idk if they will like the Japs ... Much to talk about peaks and good is a bit of social criticism disguised xD nuse me to pass the preseleccióny not make a fool of the day 24 when I read in public and I am satisfied
xD it's you
Apps , title of Monday post is because the very start of the week the vet that I am challenged to find the diagnosis a case that he took long to realize that you pasava ... until he lit the lamp and saw that he had left some símptomas and made a skull radiography. No more clues to the signs, radiographs, and treatment was not effective, I threw like 2 hours making several assumptions, always keeping clear that there was evidence of severe brain, but wondering if the problem was there or came from elsewhere, and what was in concrete.
The vet told me that if I was right was enough to give me the Nobel Prize over ¬ ¬ UU joke.
the end when I told him what I thought, was that I had spent a little detail in the radiografíay we can say that I happened not so demanding ... I'm spent am dragging the rest of my shame at the clinic xD but one of the auxiliary is very nice, before I was talked to the vet míoy front said something like "has not entirely successful but how much truth is at hand?" and said "Yes, yes it has come close ..." (that is sparing of words the Man U ¬ ¬ but it sounded a little surprise for his part ...)
never know how to interpret this man, but I went with a better sense of what I expected.
Also what Who could win a Nobel fresh out of school? or we xD
This Friday I'm in barna (I'll alone on the floor of Sabadell ... I always have trouble sleeping when I'm alone on that floor ... child call me ^ ^ UU) if someone comes up with something to make me know ^. ~ In my apartment is spare mattresses and a comfortable sofa, and if someone wants to come ... although sabadell not much to do ... is a leading Chinese takeout cheap and good XDD ale I already have released: þ
I'm going to arrive late as usual practices
T ^ T **
Monday, March 30, 2009
Biggest Great White On Camera
That's the hole to be doing in my book "la Caixa" and that each expenditure is becoming darker and great, really expected me to last at least until the summer when you could go to trebajar, but not me ^ ^ U the truth is that I start to worry because if I look at all expenses I come over is the wrong thing ...
few months ago also won the book of "saving for the future" I did as a child, where he saved many years' pay and that money went to that now use ... so I have no more than nooks where you save money ... and my prediction is, with the remainder of the year I'm going to stay broke ... sisisi
First because we are in crisis and I can not save the pay because I have to pay me almost everything other than rent the floor with them (ie my parents give me money ^ ^ U) and second, I had to go to work in a factory (one that makes coffee, chocolate and stuff xD i starts with ends with TLE NES) this summer and won everything possible without to spend the whole summer, but my father was when he learned of the work seems not to recall that ETT was the one who hired the staff of the company and also has no special interest in returning to learn (with the ETT that have closed in OO Girona think should be on some people ...) and if I want to touch me "route of the ETT" this Easter, not only for Girona, but also the surrounding . What will I say? because the thing is very wrong of course ... but why I have to go find a job for summer in April ... xD
The dress is from Germany xD so hopefully I midweek ... albeit with the order for shoes I will not have much luck, I think .... take 12 days minimum distress begins!! ¿¿¿¿¿ Will before 18 April, or I'll have to make do as ????? Point
final between stress to endure every day with the vet (because you never know who is going to leave) and the accumulated tension in my house because my dog (which destroys the order almost obsessive where is my mother's house) but I think if the dog is not the tension in my house would estndo there for one reason or another .... one day I will give some !
And Easter is not something to look forward to have a party ... rather afraid I go crazy being in girona many days as things stand now
Ahh States and the best! I have 3 exams this week in a row and have not studied anything! lalalalaa best I take a joke because ... UU
** PS: I have been very late and I can not put UU Korean lesson sorry Hachi
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Pain Of Mesenteric Adenitis
Only a quick post before go to the practices at the clinic.
I just learned something that saddens me ... apparently it is something definite that Sants Badrena dojo (the dojo my kenjutsu school I go though I have pretty free to go due to prá ; Internships) will close due to little support there is in these times. There have been only 6 people and not give them enough money to rent a big place 3 times per week. I feel terrible because I have not been done since before the February tests and today there is a rally to leave the dojo, school staff called by my sensei and I hope to go even a little late .
It's very sad, I have spent many good times there, and in April when I can resume my lessons if I kenjutsu not be possible as it would have to go to the dojo Cornellá far I have left ... That
U_______U penalty not know what else to say ...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Ctc Pasta Express Parts
Yeah yeah, "ferret" instead of "dogs" xDD why? good because it best describes my sleeping routine ... every hour possible, preferably in the morning and waking only to eat and go frantically back and forth without stopping and get things done faster and in the middle chaos and disorder (let the little free time or I lose miserably because I focus or because I get to do the lazy ...). Is that ferrets are so you are going to do every day ^ ^ UU Zuri use whatever I look like (my ferret plated layer) sleeps a lot like cats almost xD but when you wake up is terrible! very loving yes, but dirty and mess everywhere xD
I have had the least productive weekend in a long time (well the past as well but I was sick and such ...)
I decided to change my whole Cell i does not work?? ein? and that?? all brand new nokia N81 ???!!!! because I always pass me these things? (Good as oscar which he said is normal and what to buy things that do not work xDD) are the "couple jinx" yes yes
Then I happened on Sunday "huronenado" at home (bed-sofa-eating disorder xorradas by interne-...) and half from depression mix of existential crisis and self-pity ... ask for the total Nanai dress (at the end I decide to turquoise green in color does that xD). Until it was late at night I started to make a purchase fictitious horrors stresses me!
be fine the size you ask?? I have to go big or fast dieting and spend the entire wedding without breathing? Oo
With approx 95-75-100 I have (which were of my 93-63-90? Youth ains T ^ T I'll look a Lolita-jug) ... I guess the standard size is 12, although USA O___O
nose .. I came to ask for a sort of frilly white for the Oscar lead with the black shirt and gray chalequillo rays (and not go so dark ...) would throw to me by the head?? xD is that if it is very normal ... and I ... buhh highlighting
And I have to buy shoes and accessories on ebay I think ... scares me ¬ ¬ UUU on ebay I have never asked and now and all run well ...
Aiaiaiai I'll be late to practice in the clinic !!!!!!! T___T niiiiif
PD: fast the lesson for Korean to Miss Hachi ^. ^ today -> the numbers (read Korean)!
1 = 하나 hana, dul 2 = 둘 , 3 = 셋 seng, 4 = 넷 neng, 5 = 다섯 da Saed, 6 = æ 여섯 and s d æ , 7 = il gop 일곱 , 8 = 여덟 and æ æ d l, 9 = 아홉 to hop , 10 = Yael
열 I recently learned them in the next post xD put China's second reading (which is easier)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Exercise And Broken Capillaries
Bufff ... it is proven that only come to xD LJ to complain that he is going to do ... UU
take a week of frustration because they know how but I have not organized anything well and I've got a lot of things waiting for that meeting time ^ ^ U well never find time to connect (only connection I have when I'm at uni ... and when is going to be in class ... xD) essential thing these days I'm looking desperately EGL dress to wear at the wedding of my friends (date approaches dangerously ...)>. \u0026lt;
I have to decide and buy a dress already! But I'm making the worst decisions !!!!!! aaaargh
(which also cost me decide between Kohaku or Kouryuu for cosplay Clamp o ~ or even I have doubts ... T ^ T)
At least I know they probably will finish by asking for in imitation Fanplusfriends ... are but my economy allows for more ^ ^ U
But I doubt the color, model, etc ... a full dress or a jumper skirt + blouse ?.... brown, purple or green? @ __ @ I have going mental cocoa. Oscar asked for help to the poor with all good will I was commenting on things, but I did not decide at all ^ ^ UUU yes, says the lavender-lilac color is too light and not look good with my skin color ... Oo
Here I put some models that make me doubt ...
(that I love behind, but the green does not kill me I find adorable *-*)
States that difficult choice ... what worries me most is that although it did not look good be the size or not I look good with it, because then it's too late !!!!! : S scares me ... (need help!>. \u0026lt;A expert on issues !!!... ehem lolitas Lid? T ^ T onegai ...)
Ains other input is overloaded and the late night!! for a change! morning I get up at 6.30 xDDDD
† Bloody Kisses †
안녕 anyæng -> bye (in Korean, and good morning is 안녕 하세요 anyæng seems Hasey xD) -> Bonus track for Hachi ^.
^ PD: desaparecidaaaaa of dollars of internessss ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪!! T ^ T
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Twisted Bowel And Irritable Bowel
Tomorrow I start the new semester, and return to practice ... (I hope not to endure too many neuroses of veterinary medicine, and me with mine rough).
I believe I have not taken the week for nothing (that unusual for me ... xDDD I'm an expert in wasting time.)
After "Obsession" that Amber gave me Soom and finally decided that having more disadvantages than advantages, it was better to forget ... I looked other molds and. . Error! Dolkot those already annoyed me, have released a new body! (He was playing after about 3-4 years ^ ^ U) but it's still frustrating to know that there ... Kiss out there that pose better than Damien States but for him, the body is now ; better, looks a bit more adult.
And I still have to go wedding dress ... ♪ ♪ ♪ lalalalaaa and the bachelorette party is coming soon (signal that the time is approaching dangerously ...) How I can leave everything to Late? I am the worst ... I was looking UUUUU
nurse's costume all over the place in Girona and nothing ... the most són normal white coats, yes, only go to cover a little ass xD are all "sexy or very sexy nurse" even found one that looked more like a cook or maid ^ ^ UU besides being ridiculous UUUUUUUUU one size is always the alternative of a somewhat modified in white coats (I have a lot at home, between mine and my father xD) and tell me , is to see that we ...
the end I decided (because if I do hit without warning and I dare not xD) asked an hour with the tattoo on Thursday and Friday and had new tattoo ^. ^ muihi. This was soon cured me (you see I have good skin for tattooing) and looks like this:
The design is mine, although I had a small "crisis" (I go to when I draw something like it never stops at all) the day before and asked the tattoo artist help me, he made his own versióny until I changed it I liked it at all.
That laziness .... again gives me no time for anything ... T ^ T ains luckily I start painting subjects very well:
- i Història medieval modern
Japó i Korea - Grans corrents of Japanese literature
None of China and all Japanandthe Korea! Good!! >. \u0026lt;
: *** † † Bloody Kisses
PD: REEEP Maaaan ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ "Repo! The Genetic Opera "rules, another day I tell